ARPP® Software
ARPP® Represents the heart of all our solutions and makes them stand out from the competition.
We’ve turned Robot Programming into a Game

All ROBOTICOM’s solutions are equipped with ARPP®, the in-house designed robot simulator, that is the only software on the market that allows to completely manage the robot without the use of other software: from the automatic generation of optimized tool paths to the 3D simulation of the robot movements, with the real-time display of the material removal.
With the ARPP® software programming of a complicated robotic process like Robotic Sanding, Polishing, and Carving can be done in just minutes compare to the hours and days with the standard programming methods.
The use of ARPP® allows you to:
- Manage 3D models generated from an external CAD or digitization systems (e.g. scanner);
- Generate tool paths through field-optimized CAM operations that take advantage of the flexibility of both the robot and the turn table;
- Full control the Robot End of Arm Tooling (EoAT) like Speed, Force and Open/Close;
- Control the Digital and Analogue I/Os of the system.
- Import and manage tool paths generated by external CAM (NCL, ISO);
- Follow the working process stages of the machine and control the possible collisions, for a complete 3D simulation of the robotic cell;
- Make 3D real time simulation of the material removal, generating the subsequent CAM machining with optimized tool paths on the actual residual material.

Distinct Applications
ARPP is the only software on the market that allows you to completely manage the robot without the use of other software. Programs will transfer to the robot directly from the software and you will be able to run them without being worry about running a new program for the first time!
Contact Us
1875 East Main St., Spark Warehouse 92, Dock 12 & 13, Duncan, SC 29334
(949) 238.6323

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